Monday, February 7, 2011

Zenopolis Design Specs

In keeping with that Jeff Rients's maxim about designing your own stuff rather than buying it,  I have decided to list the reasons I was intrigued by Heroes in the first place.  Hopefully this will help guide me in continuing my recently begun work on Zenopolis (or Once Upon a Time in the Mediterranean).  These are in no particular order, and some will overlap.
  • A historical but fictionalized setting
  • Rules/Guidelines for climbing the social ladder through wit and violence
  • Rules/Guidelines for crime and punishment
  • Cattle Raids
  • Other kinds of raids
  • pseudo-Medieval Economics
  • Domain management
  • Once you get to a position, it's hard to stay there
  • Permanent, and gruesome, injuries
That's probably not all of them, but those are what I thought would be in the game.  So regardless of how Heroes handles them, Zenopolis needs to handle them in a way that appeals to me.

More on this project as it develops.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oops signed in on someone else's computer haha. This would be from me:

    "So regardless of how Heroes handles them, Zenopolis needs to handle them in a way that appeals to me."

    That's a great attitude, it's what got me going with that whole Domain Game business. It really liberates your imagination to stop shopping for the right system or set of ideas and just roll up your sleeves and start working on what you want to see.

    Look forward to seeing where your project goes especially the cattle raids.

  3. I agree with bethany/chris - great attitude, sound ideas !
